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Encuentro Uno a Uno

Resguardado en casa, el mundo creativo no puede cerrarse las puertas. Más que nunca es hora de trabajar desde otra perspectiva: despertar con una de las misiones más importantes de nuestra vida: pensar en cómo resolvemos esa vida y alegrarnos; interrogar qué somos ahora, qué queremos, porque no lo sabemos.

Se trata de una apuesta a conspirar contra hábitos que nos paralizan en situaciones como esta y que se encadenan a un sistema de acciones, pensamientos y emociones que ya no funcionan ni tampoco queremos continuar repitiendo en esta espiral sin fin. Es explorar el vasto territorio inconsciente que nos habita.

Y entonces surge una apertura a que nuestra esencia se cristalice a través del arte. Apuesta que nos aportaría una nueva mirada al mundo allá afuera. Y mi esperanza es que podríamos ofrecer soluciones realizadas por nosotros mismos.

Hablemos de arte, de la vida y de la muerte: hablemos de hoy, de nosotros. Tenemos que dialogar y debatir lo que pensamos.

Crear bajo estas circunstancias se demanda ser un artista de la vida; es ahora o nunca.


Encounter One to One

is an approach to review completed works or projects to be developed in performance art. The concepts, the formal resolution and the presentation of the work will be analysed, as well as any purpose or plan in which the participants are working. All this taking into account the context and the resources used in the deployment of the artwork: concept of the work, artist statement, exhibition and documentation.

One-to-one meeting is also a space to talk about any discomfort or uncertainty about life, death, human “action” and the vicissitudes that we artists face, especially in our current time, local and global.


Present a brief outline of your work, or a proposal described between 3 to 5 lines on the topic of interest to be addressed at the Meeting. It would be of great help, if it is the case, to present visual material (photos or video), but it is not mandatory.

Sheltered at home, the creative world cannot close its doors. More than ever it is time to work from another perspective: to wake up with one of the most important missions of our life: to think about how we resolve everyday life and rejoice; question what we are now and what we want, because we do not know it. I bet to conspire against habits that paralyse us in situations like this and that are linked to a system of actions, thoughts and emotions that no longer work nor do we want to continue repeating this endless spiral. It is exploring the vast unconscious territory that inhabits us. And then an opening arises for our essence to crystallise through art. Bet that all this would bring us a new look at the world out there. And my hope is that we could offer solutions made by ourselves. Let's talk about art, life and death: let's talk about ourselves today. We have to dialogue and debate what we think. Creating under these circumstances requires being an artist of life; it's now or never.

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