"El performance es un signo de interrogación activo en la cultura actual. Es una idea en alto grado estimulante, poderosa, que dirige la atención a la realidad inmediata de la presencia del sujeto que se crea a si mismo ante los otros en actos".
Elvira Santamaría
urban actions, chamber performances, performance-installations, process art, exhibitions and interventions.
Place and date of birth: Mexico City, January 25th, 1967
Skype: santamariatorres
Actual address: Mexico and Irlanda del Norte
Web & links:
1990-1993: Painting studies in the Former School of Painting, Sculpture and Carving, la Esmeralda, Mexico City.
2008-2009: Masters degree at Fine Arts and Design Universidad of Ulster.
Awards, grants and art residencies
-Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte. CONACULTA FONCA 2018
Member of the National System of Art Creators SNCA. CONACULTA-FONCA Mexico.
Artrakers, Awarding Creativity in Art & Conflict, nomination for the first price, Goldsmith University, London
Artist Residency Burgdorf, Switzerland
Master degree scholarship, National Fund for Culture and Arts (FONCA) Mexico
-Travel grant for China y Australia. Foreign Affairs Secretary of Mexico.
-Art Residency Exchange Program Mexico-Colombia (FONCA- Culture Ministry of Colombia
-Arte x Todas Partes (Art Everywhere), Promotion of art works in Mexico City. Secretary of Culture of Mexico City
2002-Art Residency in La Chamber Blanche, “Mexico-Quebec residencies exchange program”, FONCA and CALQUE.
Jóvenes Creadores (Young Creators grant), FONCA, Mexico
Art Residency “Mexico-Canada residencies exchange program”. National Fund for
Culture and Arts (FONCA)
First prize “Third Performance Art Festival. Ex-Teresa Arte, Alternativo”. Mexico City
Urban actions, Chamber performances, Performance-installations, Process art, Exhibitions and Interventions
-Macuilli Tlahuilli, Sunrise in process, process art, 5 days/15 hours, SNCA. Sierra de Organos,Zacatecas, Mex.
-Macuilpa Macuilli, the process and the days, durational process art, 5 days (25 hours). SNCA Facultad de artes de la Universidad de Veracruz, Xalapa, Mex.
-The long count- project Liminaris/on the threshold – Gestures on Resilience – Process art, photography and video. Trabajo comisionado por Flax Art Studios, Belfast
-Solar Enclosure, process art, 20 days(210 hours). Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca. Online-Youtube y Facebook transmission online-Youtube y Facebook
-Trabajo invisible/invisible labour. La Bonne, Centre de Cultura de Donnes, Barcelona
-The peace flag is to big. public action. Art and Culture Experiences for a Peace Culture. Centro Cultural Hangar, Campus Aeropuerto, UAQ. ACNI fund.
-Flight practice for ‘Peace is a very big flag’( Encounter with reconciliation- Corpology of performative Resilience ), performance in public space. ACNI fund. Plaza de Santo Domingo, Oaxaca
-Fusion of two principles ( Encounter with Reconciliation - Corpology of performative Resilience) Encuentro de Artes Vivas de Oaxaca y Museum of Contemporary Art of Oaxaca.(MACO) ACNI fund.
-Politics of the Psiche. (Corpology of performative Resilience) performance. Jornadas de Desbordamientos y Periferias Feministas. Centro de Arte Bernardo Quintanilla, Querétaro.
-Myanmar- Mi-amar. (Myanmar-my love) process art/ 13 days/90 hours. Circular train Yangon. Myanmar.
-Naming The Change. chamber performance. Evento Still. PS2 Gallery, Belfast
The Names of the Ephemerals, chamber performance. BIPAF. Universidad de Ulster.
Smoke Self-portrait London. SACRED: Homelands, Toynbee Studios, Londres.
Acción!Mad! En colaboración con Brian Patterson, Madrid
Parábola XI: Lutte pour la Paix - الكفاح من أجل السلام - Strijd voor de vrede - Striving for peace. SIGNALS/ L'art face à la terreur. Bruselas.
Victories are Short-lived exhibition, Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast
Parable X- Process Concepción, Chile
Parable IX: Urban action at the Women’s Bridge, Buenos Aires
Parable IX -II: Process at the Gauchito Gil Sanctuary, Junin, Argentina
Parable IX -I: Process I at Laguna Madero, Junin
Parable VIII: Mira Flores, Cantuta! Performance. La Universidad de la Cantuta and Miraflores Memorials. Lima
Shadow self-portrait, 30th Black Market Anniversary. BONE. Bern
Shadow self-portrait. Kulstof 15, Kulstof 15, Aalborg, Denmark
Smoke self-portrait Ecuador. Festival de Arte Acción de Cuenca, FAAC. Salon del Pueblo.
Body circle. Diagrams Exhibition. Video performance. Pallas, Dublin and QSS Belfast.
Timeless guard. Urban action. Festival Internacional de Arte Acción Mujeres en Ruta, Querétaro
Parable VII-II: Water process. Accionarar Residency, Anolaima, Colombia.
Parable VII-I: timeless guard. Urban action. 7th Encounter AVD. Bogota.
Parable VI-I y II: Proceso suspendido. Gestos y proceso. El Mozote, Morazán, El Salvador.
Salt Cartographies, performance-Installation 24 hours. Contemporary Art Museum of Oaxaca.
Parable V-II: Retroactive Memory, Guate-Mexico. Intervention. Guatemala City
Parable V-I: Under the Jacarandas Sign. Urban action, Central park, Antigua Guatemala
Parable IV: Everyday re-signification. Urban action, San Cristóbal de las Casas
Smoke selfportrait San Cristóbal de las Casas. La Galería
Parable III. Action Route. Calle 60. South-North. La Rendija teatro. Merida Yucatan.
Smoke selfportrait Merida. La Sede, La Rendija Teatro. Mérida, Mex.
Chamber performance, La Bonne Maison, Barcelona
Hit-no hit. Chamber performance, collaboration with Brian Patterson. Antic Teatre, Barcelona
Performance. Accion!Mad 14. Matadero, Madrid
Smoke selfportrait, chamber performance, IAGO, Oaxaca, Mex.
Parable II: Urban Flower Route.12 hours. Ampl. San Pedro Xalpa- Metro Cuhitláhuac
Parable I: Contrasts Central. Central de Abastos (supplies) and Zaachilas dump, Oaxaca
Chamber performance. Mother’s Tongue. Helsinki
Smoke Selfportrait, chamber performance, Orangery, Colon
Smoked self-portrait Angulême. IntonÁction. Databaz. Rencontre International de poesie er dÁction, Angulême, France
Without title. UPROOTED Fake Nations- Festival of Experimental Live Arts. Galeria Augusta, Helsinki
Artrakers exhibition. Awarding Creativity in Art & Conflict, London
Balance, chamber performance. Duo days, in collaboration with Brian Patterson. Catalyst Arts, Belfast
-D i a l o g o... intervention. The Art of Encounter. Elmwood Hall, Queen’s University Belfast.
-Invisible labour process-installation. Labour Event. The Lab, Dublin
-La Republica, chamber performance. Short Theatre Festival. Contemporary Art Museum of Rome, Italy.
-Untitled Performance-Installation. Lerdo de Tejada Square, Xalapa. Mexico
-Golden Circle. This is Performance Art. Citymoves & Peckcock, Visual Arts Centre of Contemporary Art. Aberdeen, Scotland.
-Backward counting line III, solo chamber performance. BMI, 25th anniversary. Bone 13. Schlachthause Bern, Switzerland
-Backward counting line III, Black Market International 25th Anniversary, Lublin, Poland
-Backward counting line II, Acción!Mad, Matadero-Madrid. Spain
-Background Counting line I. Crossings. Canadian First Nations and N Ireland Artists Encounter Belfast, UK
-Mai aux Halles (May at the Halles), chamber performance. Trouble Performance Art Festival. Les Halles, Brussels, Belgium
-ART≠ LIFE. Future of imagination, International Performance Art Event Singapore 2010
-Against gravity, New Territories 10, International Festival of Live Art, Scotland.
Water and air, street performance, Transart Communication Festival, Slovakia
High threads, performance, Lublin, Poland
Street performance. Trouble Performance Art Festival. Les Halles, Brussels
-At the middle of the breath, Performance-installation, Langage Plus, Centre d´ Art Actuel, Alma, Quebec.
-1995 regression in Chicutimi, Art Nomad, Chicutimi, Quebec.
-Untitled performance, La Muga Caula. Figueres, Spain
-Le Temps, performance, Infraction Festival, Paris.
Sweet reverence East-West Via Belfast, Performance Art Event, Belfast.
Performance, Infraction Festival, Performance Götenborg, Sweden
-Performance, Exit, International Live At Festival, Brisbane
-Performance, Live Art Festival, Chengdu China
-Performance, Live Art Festival, Chongquin, China
-Action-presentation of the book The Air Roots of Sergio J. Monreal. Casa del Poeta, Mexico City
-Concert. SiNERGiA, 5th Trobada de Performance. International Womens Day. Gerona
-Untitled, chamber performance, Infraction, Performance Art Festival, Sète, France
-Untitled, chamber performance, EXpoesie event, Perigeux.
-The Origin of a title, nonsense allegro. De Pinta Cultural, UAM Azcapotzalco, Mexico City.
-Process-performance-Installation (14 hours) Latitude 53 Contemporary Visual Culture, Edmonton, Can
-Everyday life words in process. Process-performance-installation (90 hours), FADO & Katherine Mulherie Contemporary Art Projects, Toronto, Canada.
-Being here Contaminate, Performance Art Festival, Boston
-Street and chamber performance. 6th Performance Art Biennale Blurrr. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
-7 Performance-Installations and documentation. Casa de Cultura de Ciudad Bolivar. Colombia
Urban Actions, street actions:
-Stairs to paradise" Stairs of la Bella Flor neighborhood, calles yCiudad Bolivar, 30 Oct. Colombia
-48.480 white and 1 red carnations" Public space, 7th Street, 6th Nov. Bogotá, Colombia
-Untitled. Plaza Che Guevara. National University of Colombia. 8 Nov. Colombia
-Scale 1:1. Plaza Simon Bolivar, 13th Nov. Bogotá, Colombia
-Untitled. Journalist Park, 15th Nov. Bogotá, Colombia
-Untitled. 1st Art Action Encounter in Bogotá 2007. Sótanos de la Jimenez. 24 Nov. Bogotá
-Under the Jacarandas tree sign· street performance, photos Yolanda Andrade. Mexico City
-Untitled. 4th International Performance Festival, Teatrino della Villa Reale di Monza, Italy
-Against gravity Tlahuac Preparatory School. Arte x Todas Partes (Art Everywhere)
-Second Black and light concerto. Plaza Aguilita. Arte x Todas Partes, Mexico City
-Untitled performance. 8 Bone Festival, Bern.
-Black motion, Performance Perimeters Symposium, Regina, Canada
-Performance-Installation, 5th Mercosul Visual Arte Biennale, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
-Ephemeral will, ART-IG, Hanover, Germany
-Black Moment for A. Performance Art Meeting, Lublin, Poland
-To the wind in Black. Art Action Meeting 2005. Bielska Gallery, Poland
-To the win in Black. Interakcje, International Art Action Festival. Piotrków Trybunalski, Pol
-Intermittent Actions. PERFORMA12032005. Carrillo Gil Art Museum. Mexico City.
-White and black concerto 3th International Performance Encounter. Valencia Institute of Modern Art. Spain
-Real. Crossing Time, International Artists Meeting, Dartington.
-Transformation of disappearance, Installation of deaths. SHCP Museum, Mexico City
-Black and light concerto performance concerto. Actions of the body in fugue. Jose Maria Velasco Art Gallery. Mexico City
-Carnations fracture street action. III International Performance Encounter in Yucatan, Merida, Mexico
-Underground roses. Underground travel intervention. Metro Line 2, Mexico City
-Against gravity, Por debajo acciones/Underground actions. Glorieta M Insurgentes, Mexico City
-Underground flowers. Por debajo acciones/ Underground interventions. Metro Pino Suarez. Mexico City.
-Balance international Art FUKU MASU Project` 02, Nagano, Japan
-Black breathing performance-Installation, Tacubaya metro station. AxTP, Mexico City
-Apparition de la disparition, Installation in Situ. La Chambre Blanche, Quebec.
-Lecture of things, Là-Bas-2003 Festival. Tidehalli, Helsinki, Finland.
-Untitled, performance, Audiorama Magdalena Contreras.
-Domestic labour and the economy. International Day of Domestic Labour. Women Institute, Mexico City. AxTP.
-Bird, bee and… Performance Tage Across the Border, Hanover, Germany
-Untitled performance, Machinenhaus Essen, Germany.
-Smoke portrait variation. Culture House Jesus Romero Flores. AxTP. Mexico City.
-Disappearances. Iztapalapan Preparatory School 1. AxTP
-Vision 0. Preparatory school Otilio Montaño. AxTP
-Vision 0, damned poets, Glorieta Metro Insurgentes. AxTP.
-Black breath, intervention. Tacubaya metro station. AxTP
-Vision 0, the chance, José Luis Cuevas Museum. AxTP
-Untitled. Event Get down because he has not a gun, innocuous actions. Centro Cultural La Palma
Light traps performance series, NIPAF (Nippon International Performance Art Festival, Japan:
-Death-Life, Tokyo; -Marionette, Nagoya; -Homage to the public and to Boris Nieslony, collaboration with Morgan O´Hara, Kyoto; -Lights traps, Nagano
-Human Size, street performance, Lascas, Actual Mexican Art in Quebec
-Labour (About situational-intuition) in L´Ilot Fleurie. Lascas, Actual Mexican art in Quebec
-Untitled, Intervention. Rencontre International d´Art performance de Québec. L´Îlot Fleurie
-Apparition de la dispartition, performance-Installation. La Chambre Blanche, Quebec
-Untitled performance, Laval University, Québec.
-Marionette. Thailand, International Performance Art Festival: Bangkok
-Solar honey, International Performance Art Festival: Chiangmai, Thailand
-Giacometti or loosing the money value. BONE 5. International Performance Festival, Bern
-Marionette Glasgow, International Review of Life Art. Glasgow
-Intervention, Blurrr- The 3rd Biennale of Performance Art. Kibbutz Nachshon, Israel.
-Vision 0, San Sebastian, El Arte está en la Calle (The art is on the street), Performance. Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, San Sebastian, Spain.
-Present 0, performance. 10th International Performance Exhibition, EX-Teresa Arte Actual. Mexico City.
-Giebertie´s list, street action. Lo que nos dejó el 68. Plaza Tolsá, Mexico City
-Present 0, Madrid, Salón Mexico, Instituto de Mexico en Madrid
-Renovation 0, Espacio Perf. For.ART, Barcelona
-Smoked present, eBent´1, International Performance Festival. Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona
-Untitled performance, Bunker of Arte Museum. Krakow
- Vision 0, Bielefeld. 3rd Bielefelder Performance-STIPP- Bunker Ulmenwall, Germany.
-Smoke self-portrait, chamber performance. 5th International Performance Encounter Dresden
-Anarchic Thoughts, Installation in the Flexible station, Dresden
-Human Size. Event Spuren, Ein Jahrebuch, Dresden, Germany.
-Vision 0 Giswil, performance. 2nd International Performance Tag. Giswil, Switzerland.
-Communication Dresden. Stand, 4th International Performance Encounter, Germany
-Untitled, Zug, 3th International Performance Encounter in Dresden. Kunst Haus, Dresden
-Vision 2. Caja 2, Mexico City.
-Against- tsniagA, an answer to the Raoratorio of John Cage. In collaboration with Salon Kunsthaus, Santa Fe. San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
-Untitled performance. Symposium of Sculpture (Journal of the Absurd), Chapa de Corzo, Chiapas, Mexico
-Radio-Performance, Radio Lagarto, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico
-Untitled. Akademie der Künste, Hamburg
-Untitled. Münster Gallery. Münster
-Concert, Synagogue in Shamorin, Slovakia
-Rootless, solo performance. Rootless, International Festival of Live and Time Based Art, Kingston Upon Hull, England.
-Performance tour in Rhineland-Germany organized by ASA European, Colon:
- Maschinenhaus Zeche Carl, Essen,
- Kunstraum, Düsseldorf
-“The strength of relentlessness ”, Kunstfabrik, Colon,
- Künstlerhaus, Dortmund
- Frauenmuseum, Bonn
Human scale. Strategic, for 7 witnesses. (Journal of the Absurd) 1401 Desierto de los Leones, Mexico City
-In memoriam Marcos Kurtycz & Alain Gibertie. Installation in Situ. Le Lieu, Centre en Art Actuel, Quebec.
- 4 Installation, day of deaths, one decade. DAWN, Contemporary Art Exhibition Mexico-Japan. BEAM Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
-Deep sleep, NIPAF (Nippon International Performance Art Festival), Tokyo, Japan.
-Disoperation III Nagano. Nippon International Performance Art Festival, NIPAF. Japan
-Reflections lecture: Poland, Castle of Imagination, Bytow, Poland
-Performance-Installation (13 days action dedicated to Marcos Kurtycz y Alain Gibertie. Le Lieu, Centre en Art Actuel, Quebec.
-Raw story. Festin Cru (Raw festin). Haut-Troisième-imperial. Upton, Quebec. -Untitled. Das SchloB. Ein Steinfwurf” (“the castle, one stone throw ”) International Performance Encounter, Kunst der Zeit, Dresden, Germany.
-Disoperation San Antonio Texas, U.S.A.
-Disoperation Mexico City, 4th Performance Art Festival, X'Teresa Arte Alternativo. Mexico City
-Reflections reading, Mexico City. Casa de Cultura Reyes Heroles. Mexico City.
-Dragging a body II, street action, in collaboration with Eugenia Vargas. Centro Cultural San Angel, Mexico City
-Dragging a body, I Danger Zone, Mexico-Unites Estates Latin Performance Exchange. University of California, Los Angeles, CA. X´Teresa Arte Alternativo, Mexico City
-Second poem on asphyxia, Poliforum Cultural Siqueiros, Mexico City
-For democracy, in collaboration with Reforma newspaper, Mexico City.
-Donation for an igneous force, 3th Performance Festival in EX-Teresa Arte Alternativo, Mexico, City
-Reflections lecture, EX-Teresa, Arte Alternativo. Mexico City
-Barbarian Cook, Rencontre Internationale d' Art Performance de Quebec, Mail Centre-Ville, Le Lieu, Centre en Art Actuel, Québec.
-Betlemitas: an Installation. In collaboration with Ian Dryden. X'Teresa Arte Alternativo, Mexico City.
The absurd radio-performance, Kinesis program, UIA, DF
-Everything blindfold Second Performance Art Festival, EX Teresa Arte Alternativo, Mexico City
-From somewhere, Le Lieu, Centre en Art Actuel, Quebec, Canada.
-Chapala Crucifixion II, Performance – Installation. Galeria Azul, Guadalajara, Mexico
-Selling myself, Streets performance in collaboration with City-TV de Toronto.
-Chapala´s Crucifixion I, Performance-Installation. Liberation square. Galeria Azul, Guadalajara, Mexico.
One sleepless night, Month of Performance, Museo Universitario del Chopo. Mexico City
Crucifixion Chapala, performance installation Collective de primavera. Galería Azul, Guadalajara, Mexico.
Second Installation day of deaths. Ian Dryden studio, Mexico City.
Group and collaborative performances
Flexum Stgo - performance de Elvira Santamaría junto a artistas locales en la Biblioteca de Santiago, Chile
Performance Art Monthly Meetings Bbeyond
XI Encuentro de Performance Pola de Lena, Asturias
Artist Residency. Albergue de Columbiello, Asturias
Performance Art Residency. Collaboration Brian Patterson. La Carbonera, Girona
Collaboration Brian Patterson. Actus, Brussels
Improvisations. Collaboration with Denys Blacker. FEM. Girona
Photo-performance. Collaboration Manuel Vason, Hellens Bay
Performance collaboration. International Multimedia Art Festival, Yangon, Burma
The Art of Encounter Black Market International performance. 6 hours. Elmwood Hall at Queen’s University
Labour. Labour Event (durational performance). Performance Space, London;
Labour. Labour Event. Void Gallery, Derry/London Derry
Induction to the void, Process-Installation, in collaboration with Brian Patterson, Le Lieu, Centre en Art Actuel, Quebec.
Simultaneus performances (6 hours). Festival Morgenland, Liechtenstein.
Black Market International performance. 10 hours. New Territories. Glasgow.
Black Market International performance, 25th Anniversary. Bone 13 Schlachthause. Bern
Black Market International performance, 25th Anniversary, Ilsede, Germany
Black Market International performance, 25th Anniversary, Orangery, Colon.
Black Market International performance, 25th Anniversary, Metro Station, Warsaw.
Black Market International performance, 25th Anniversary, Labyrinth Gallery, Lublin, Poland
Performance. PALA, Performance Art Laboratory and Undisclosed Territory # 4 Performance Art Event in Solo, Indonesia
Black Market International performance, New Moves, Glasgow
Black Market International performance, Trouble 2, Halles, Brussels
Black Market International Performance, Black Market International group 20th Anniversary, Le Theater de l´Usine, Geneva.
Black Market International performance, 20th Anniversary. Bone 8. Bern.
Black Market International Principals, performance Art Konferenz Eingladung kunst. Berlin
Black Market International performance, Ilsede Hütte, Gross Ilsede, Germany
Street actions. In Place of Passing. Belfast, Derry, Causeway Coast, Rathin Island
Black Market International performance (6 hours). New Territories. Scotland International Festival of Live Arts. Glasgow
PERFORMA15012005, chamber Performance. Performative emanations, critic laboratories. Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Mexico City
Black wind, Progreso. Action-intervention. Collective 8. III International Performance Encounter in Yucatan, Mexico
Odd styles. PERFORMA00002004. Interventions in Cento Coyoacan shoping center. Mexico City
Upon once in Topilejo. Otilio Montaño Preparatory School, Mexico City
Intervention. Choco-pop 4. Puerto Plata Dominican Republic
Black Market International performance in Mexico City. Actions in Route, intervention art in Mexico City
Black Market International performance. Centre d´-009. Market performance l prhooract way.
line on the street. as art works, bringing audiances to the street.d hopless.orma rhoo-009. Market performance l prhooract way.
line on the street. as art works, bringing audiances to the street.d hopless.orma rhoo-009. Market performance l prhooract way.
line on the street. as art works, bringing audiances to the street.d hopless.orma rhooArte Clark. Montreal
Black Market International performance. Performance Art Festival, Bankok
Black Market International performance. Expo-2000 Hannover, Theatre Festival Trans-Europe 2000, Hanover
Black Market International performance. Market place, Stadtraum, Hieldesheim, Germany.
Vision 0, Politécnico. Centro Cultural Jaime Torres Bodet del IPN. Mexico City
Amalfis compass. Ressegna Internazionale di Performance e Poesia Performativa, Amalfi, Italy
Summerstein (summer stone) in collaboration with Mathias Jakisch. Energie Galerie, Dortmund
Wolf, Goat y cauliflower o bon Appetite! Collaboration with Matthias Jackish. 3th Werkleitz Biennale, Germany
I have seen an Angel in collaboration with Boris Nieslony and Matthias Jackisch. TranArt Communication Festival. Nove Zamky, Slovakia.
Communication. collaboration with Mathias Jackish. Mücsarnok Museum in Budapest
Radio- Performance en “Das SchloB. En Steinwurf” Coloradio, Dresden
Untitled performance, Water, Culture and Money project, in collaboration with Eugenia Vargas. Organized by Michael Tracy. San IgnacioTexas and Nuevo Laredo Mexico.
Androgynous, individual, studio Eloy Tarcisio Mexico, DF
First Installation. Day of the deads. National School of Painting, Sculpture and Carving, La Esmeralda, INBA, Mex. City.
Juggler or Artist. School of Painting, Sculpture and Carving, La Esmeralda. INBA. Mexico City.
Teaching: workshops, courses, tutorials, talks etc.
- Talk Parables of Eviction and regeneration Espacio 915, Concepción
- Workshop: Forms creative processes of Art action. University of Concepción, Chile
- TalkParables of Eviction and regeneration. Modern Art Museum of Junín
- Workshop: Forms creative processes of Art action. Art School Xul Solar, Junín, Angentina
- Action Art laboratory: Rebel Temporalities and situations of Art action. El galpón espacio. Lima
- Workshop: Rebel Temporalities and situations Forms creative processes of Art action. Le Lieu, Centre en Art Actuel, Québec
-Lecture: Performance art as a living question mark toward an unavoidable ethics. Le Lieu, -Centre en Art Actuel. Québec.
Taller de performance, Facultad de Artes de Cuenca, Ecuador
Conferencia sobre Performance y Arte Acción. Facultad de Bellas Artes de Oaxaca
Taller de performance. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca
Taller de performance. La Enseñanza, San Cristóbal de las Casas
Taller de performance. La Sede, La Rendija, Mérida
Tutorials. Escuala de Artes de Mérida, Yuc.
Taller de performance. Rituals of/for postmodern times II. Collaboration with Alastair MacLenann.
Jurado Artrakers exhibition. Awarding Creativity in Art & Conflict, Londres
Taller de performance. Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
Taller de performance. Rituals of/for postmodern times I. Collaboration with Alastair MacLenann. Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast
Performance workshop at New Zero Galery,Yangon, Burma.
Performance Workshop and Tutorials. Existential Laboratories of the Action Art. Universitary Museum of Contemporary Art (MUAC), Mexico City
Performance workshop. Eco-dialogo. Universidad Veracruzana. Mexico
Performance Workshop and Tutorials. Action Art Existential Laboratories. University Museum of Contemporary Art (MUAC). Mexico DF
Tutorials on Performance/Installation and process at MUAC (University Museum of Contemporary Art)
Workshop and tutorials on Performance, Installation and Process Art. Intermedia-Lab Festival. Art School of Veracruzana University.
Performance art workshop in collaboration with Valentin Torrens. TransArt Communication Festival. Novezamky, Slovakia.
-Curator and Organizer of InterSER0 (Interbeing), Time doesn't exist, the creation of time. International Performance Art Encounter. Carrillo Gil Art Museum
-Curator and Organizer of InterSER0, Hedonism in Performance Art . International Performance Art Encounter. Carrillo Gil Art Museum
Action-Art Workshop. Bbeyond & Crescent Art Center, Belfast, N Ireland.
Performance workshop session in Sinergy, International Women´s Day. Girona, Spain.
Art Action Workshop, Andes University, National University of Colombia, Arts Academy of Bogotá, Colombia.
Performance Workshop and talk, School of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, USA
Performance art talk. Art School, University of Edmonton, Canada.
Integral Culture course. CNA. "Body as matter, body as message", Mexico City.
Performance art Workshop “ Ritual, Performance art and playing. Centro Cultural del Bosque
Performance art Workshop for children. Banners of Crazy Life project. Neighborhood Culture Program. Secretary of Culture. Mexico City.
Curator and organizer of the III International Performance Art Encounter in Yucatan. México.
Performance workshop in Culture House of Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. Chocopop 4, Organizer of the International Performance Art Festival in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.
Organizer of PERFORMA 00002004“ Odd styles ” intervention art in Plaza Coyoacan shoping center, Mexico City
Performance art workshop. Cultural Center la Iberica, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
Curator and organizer of the III International Performance Art Encounter in Yucatan, Mexico
Action art Laboratory, The performance artist, a conceptual character. Carrillo Gil Art Museum.
Action art Laboratory. National Art Center (CENART), Mexico City
Cours Introduction to performative art forms. Escuela Superior de las Artes de Merida, ESAY, Mexico
Talk on Conceptual Art, SHCP Museum, Mexico City
Conference on Action Art, Casa del Teatro, Mexico City
Talk on Contemporary Art, Contemporary Studio Consuelo Velázquez. Guadalajara, Mexico
Curator and organizer Actions on Route, Interventions in Mexico City, in collaboration with Víctor Muñoz,
Curator and co-organizer, with Raquel Araujo, of the II International Performance Art Encounter in Yucatán, Mexico
Action-Art workshop in the National Center of Arts
Action-Art workshop. Centro Cultural La Palma.
Second performance art workshop, EX Teresa Arte Actual
Organizer of the performance art event “ An estrange program”, EX Teresa Arte Actual.
Organizer of the Performance Art Encounter Mexico-Japan, EX Teresa, Mexico City
Curator and co-organizer, with Raquel Araujo, of the Performance Art Exchange Japan-Merida. Culture Institut of Yucatán (ICY), Peón Contreras Theatre, Contemporary Art Museum and Ateneo of Yucatan, Mexico
Performance art workshop 1. X-Teresa Arte Actual.
Performance art workshop. Per.for.Art Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
Organization of the First “Actions on Route”. Different locations in public spaces in Mexico City using public transport. EX Teresa Arte Actual.
Performance workshop. Institute of Mexico in Spain.
Performance cours en el CEDART Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico
Performance curse. Sciences and Arts University of Chiapas (UNICACH), Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico
Organizer of the performance art event “Chiapanecas A-logics”. UNICACH, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
Dulce María de Alvarado Chaparro. Performance en México, 28 testimonios 1995-2000. Editorial 17
Josefina Alcazar. Performance: un arte del yo. Autobiografía, cuerpo e identidad. Siglo XXI, Mexico DF. P
Double Exposure, Manuel Vason. “Elvira Santamaría and Manuel Vason, 2013”, LADA, p 108 & 109
Antonio Prieto P. Revista Tempestad
Labour, Visual artista News Letter. “ Labour intensive” Ireland
Klanten, Robert; Matthias Hubner, etc. “Elvira Santamaria”. Art & Agenda, Political Art and Activism. Gestalten books, Berlin 2011, p.190-191
Tourangeau, Sylvie. “Les metamorphose du reél”. Inter Art Actuel Magazine, p. 58
Rodriguez, Zara. “Elvira Santamaria interview” Efimera Magazine # 1. Accion!MAD, p. 56
Gushegyi, Gabor & Juhasz, Joseph R. “Elvira Santamaria”. Transart Communication, performance & multimedia art. Studio Erte 1987-2007. Kalligram, P. 135
EXIT-Express. “Performance Art/Elvira Santamaria”, Information and Debate on Actual Art Magazine (photo), p18.
El Arte de la Perfomance, Elementos de creación. Photo. Publisher Mahali. p. 118
Romero, Elizabeth; Santamaria, Elvira, etc. Actions on Route, Interventions in Mexico City”, Memory. Autonomous Metropolitan University
Ward Mark. In Place of Passing, Bbeyond & Interface. Northern Ireland. P.
Alcázar, Josefina. “Elvira Santamaria”, Performance Documental Series Women in Action, CONACULTA-FONCA p.
Begalke, Matthias: “Die Beglesehalle vird zum Labor”. Painer Land. Ilsede. 11th July 2005 p
Mayer, Mónica: “Ex- Ex -Ex Teresa”, El Universal/Cultura, 21 Enero, p F4
Jiménez, Arturo: “Performance invasion in Ex Teresa Arte Actual”. La Jornada/Cultura, 22nd January, p. 3a
Mondragón: Isabel, photos Maritza López, Contemporary artist, Mexican Leaders Magazine. Year 13. Vol. 81. p
Mayer, Mónica:“Elvira Santamaría" Rosa Chillante, Mujeres y Performance en México. CONACULTA. FONCA, Mexico City, p. 63-65
Frances Rodríguez:“I descided to become myself my existential laboratory” Interview. El Caribe/Cultura, 10th January, Puerto Plata, p 39
Romero, Elizabeth: “Segundo Encuentro Internacional de Performance Choco-pop-04”, La Jornada/Cartelera/Performance, 13th January, Mexico City, p. 12
Mariette BOUILLET, "Lascas-Actions: rituels et trajectoires. Elvira Santamaria, le corps tragique", Review Inter, Art Actuel. Printemps, 2003 # 84, Quebec p. 52-53.
LA CHANCE, Michael: "Quinze principes de Black Market International", Inter Art Actuel Magazine, # 86, hiver 2003-2004, Quebec, p. 45-52.
PERREAULT, Nathalie: "Assumer la lourdeur de sa légèreté", Inter Art Actuel, # 86, hiver 2003-2004, Quebec, p. 53-58.
Roy, Jean-Philippe: Apparition de la disparition. Publications La Chambre Blanche, p 15&16.
Miguel Ángel Sánchez, “ Mérida sede del II Encuentro de Performance”, Diario Por Esto! sección La ciudad, 19 junio, p22
Darwin Ail, “Sigue encuentro de performance”, Mundo al día, sección Gente y estilo, Yuc. 20 jun, p 1C
Darwin Ail, “ Realizan reunión de performance”. Diario Mundo al día, sección Gente y Estilo, Yuc, 22 junio, p 3C
Claudia Silva, “El performance Excluido de la Política Cultural” Diario Milenio / Cultura, 6.Enero, p35
Anasella Acosta Nieto, “Encuentro de performance México Japón”, La Jornada / Cultura, 29.Mayo, p4a
Mónica Mayer, “La final México Japón”, El Universal, sección Cultura, 1 Junio, p F4
Víctor Muñoz, “Domesticación y resistencia del perro”, revista Inter, art actuel, Québec, Canadá, No. 82, p 27.
David Cantin, “L´art au présant”, Le Devoir / De Visu, 22.Septiembre, Québec, Canadá. p F10
Natalie Côté, “Elvira Santamaría”, VOIR / Portraitsarts Visuels, 5-11 Sepiembre. P 48
Jérôme Delgado, “ Expo a Québec”, La Presse, Octubre, Québec, Canadá.
Natalie Côté, “ Examen de la Vue 2002”, Voir / Art Visuel, Octubre, p
Nicole Allard, “ Comunión avec les vivents el les immortels”, Le Soleil / Art / Art Visuels, Octubre, Québec, Canadá, p C16
“Festival International de Performance in Bangkok”, ASIATOPIA, National Weekend Bangkok, p 56 57 ( fotos y mención)
XTTA Con el cuerpo por delante, 47882 minutos de performance”, INBA, p42, 45, 104,123. fotos
Mónica Mayer, “Tres performanceras mexicanas en Glasgow”, newspaper El Universal/ Cultura, 3 Marzo 2001: p 2.
Teresa Flaño, “El arte de lo real y del momento”, Diario Vasco, 22 junio 2001, San Sebastián, España, p6
José Guindo, “Plaza 2001 apuesta por las obras creadas en exclusiva para este festival multidisciplinar”, El mundo Vasco, p22
Patricia Velásquez Yebra, “Toman por asalto la ciudad”, El Universal, sección Cultura, 2. Agosto. p F
Mónica Mayer, “¿Última muestra de performance?.” El Universal, sección Cultura, 20.Oct. p F3,
José David cano,“El arte del lenguaje de la exploración”, El Financiero cultural, 22 Oct. p91 ( entrevista),
Gabriel Contreras, “Muestra Santamaría `presente de humo’”, periódico Reforma / Cultura, 9 Nov. p 5C
Carlos Martínez Rentería, “El performance se muere”, La Jornada /Espectáculos. 16.Oct. p7a
Libro Art Action 1958-1998. ediciones Inter. ( foto) p209
Elvira Santamaría” Video Catalogo BLURRR, The 3rd Biennale of Performance Art. Center of Contemporary Art Israel.
Mónica Mayer, “Del Boom al Bang: Las performanceras mexicanas”, Tierra Adentro, México, DF, p 38-42 ( 41)
Tanja Kemer, “ Die dame versschmiert einen weissen Mercedes mit Ketschup” NW(Neue Westwälische, 6 Oct, Bielefeld, Alemania, p
Bernd Kegel, “ Der dritte`Performance Stipp” StadtBaltt / Kulturen, No 40, 28 Septiembre, Bielefeld, Alemania, p 11
Die Poesie der Verkehrsgefährdung ( La poesía del semáforo)”, semanario Bielefelder StadtBlatt, 5 Oct, Bielefeld Alemania, p 4
Jens-Uwe Sommerscuh, “ Schnippschnapp-Roslein ab ( corta corta- fuera el rosa)”, Sachsische Zeitung / Kultur, 7 Dic, Dresden, Alemania, p
Mónica Mayer, “Elvira Santamaría”, El Universal, Cultura section, 6 February, Mex, DF, p2
Edith Arnol, “Irritationen, 2. International Performance-Tage Giswil”, Das Zentralschwizer Ausgeh-und Freizeitmagazin / performance, 8 Septiembre, Giswil, Suiza, p 16, 17
“Aufstand gegen die Geshwindigkeit ( pararse contra la velocidad)” Sächsischezeitung / Kultur, 13 Dic, Dresden, Alemania, p 25 (foto)
Mariette Bouillet “Elvira Santamaría Performance-Instalación”, libro L´Art en Actes, Le lieu, Centre en Art Actuel 1982-1987. p 146
Birgit Grimm, “Feuer, Wasser, reines Herz (Fuego, agua, en el corazón)” Sachsisiche Zeitung, 6 Dic, Dresden, Alemania, p
Mariette Bouillet, “Elvira Santamaría en residencia“, revista Inter, arte actuel. No 67, Québec, Canadá. p 24,25, 26, 27.
Elizabeth Jappe,“Le Chateau. Un jet de pierre ( Dresden), Elvira Santamaría”, revista Inter, arte actuel. No 68, Québec, Canadá. p 72
Jürgen Kisters, “Kraft der Langsamkeit (La fuerza de la Lentitud), Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, No 274, 25 Nov, p
Grit Mocci, “Häut-Nähe am Nikolaustag” Sachsische Zeitung / Kunst, Dic, p12
Torsten Birne, “Liebelei im Saufenster, Löwen auf der Strasse (Viviendo en una vitrina, leones en la calle)”, Sachsisiche Zeitung,…, Dresden Alemania, p
ASA European “Elvira Santamaría”, catalogo Performance Art, Fotos. Texte.Presse 1997 in Nordrrhein-Westfalen. P 109, 110,111,112, 104,105 (fotos b/n)
Gustavo Artigas,”Performance en los 90, revista ViceVersa Núm. 41, México, DF, p29
Jens-Uwe Sommerschuh, “Ich möchte essen! ( quiero comer!)”, Sachsische Zeitung, 9 Dic, Dresden, Alemanía, p
“Walkabout Concert is New Ida here”, Atención, San Miguel, Vol. XXIII, No 1, Weekely by biclioteca Pública de San Miguel Allende, semana del 6 de enero, p 48
Guy Sioui Durand, “Renontre internationa lde d´art performance de Québec” Edition Intervention (edición especial), Québec, Canadá, p 20.
Shifra M.Goldman, “Performance en Terrero Peligroso I y II”, Ensayo…
“Festival del performance”, La Jornada /Cultura, 18 Oct, México, DF, p 29 (foto y cita)
Blanca Ruiz, “`Balanceando al performance en X´Teresa, Reforma /Cultura newaspaper, 23 Oct, Mexico, DF, p 14D
Collaboration, “Heráclito” Inter art actuel Review, Quebec Canada, p ES (19),
Nathalie Perrault. “De alguna Parte, Elvira Santamaría, Vinculo a la identidad“, Inter art actuel Review Quebec No 59 Canada, p 65.
Mónica Mayer, “Mónica castillo y Elvira Santamaría”, El Universal, sección cultural, 22 Oct, México, DF, p2
Marie Delagrave, “ 28 participants de 12 pays s´ s´expriment” Le Soleil / Les Arts et Spectacles, 22 Oct, Québec, Canada, p E8 ( mention).
América Juárez,“Considera performancera que el arte está muerto”, diario Reforma, sección D, México, DF 15 Nov, p14
Adolfo Patiño, “El performance pasó de `panzaso´. El Universal, Cultural section, 31 Oct, p1 (mention)
Carlos Martínez Rentería, “En X-Teresa, Octubre será el mes del `performance´”, El Universal, Cultural section, 19 Oct, p4 (mention)